UE Forest Fires, risks and management - Level 4

Integrated fire management: control, restoration, development (field week).

This is a practical course based on a field trip beyond the Mediterranean area, with visits to the Pyrenees region and the Gascony region over several days. The local actors of the Civil Protection and the territorial managers (in particular private foresters) will present the actions carried out all along the chain of information necessary to an effective integrated management of the fires. Tutorial work will allow students to analyze the risks, prevention methods and to develop fire fighting strategies through management plan building.

Prerequisites : Only students who have taken the course Forest Fires, risks and management levels 1 to 3 will be able to enroll in this UE, which does not award any ECTS.

Informations pratiques

Niveau de diplôme

  • Formation Continue
  • Diplôme de l'EPHE SVT

Nombre d'ECTS


